Rajarshi Bhattacharjee

I am a fifth year PhD student in the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences at University of Massachusetts Amherst.

I'm a student in the Theoretical Computer Science group. I'm advised by Prof. Cameron Musco.

I have a masters' degree in Computer Science from Indian Statistical Institute and a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from Jadavpur University, India. You can check out my resume here.

Email : rbhattacharj AT umass.edu

Google Scholar, CV

Research Interests

I am broadly interested in randomized algorithms and machine learning. Specifically, I work on designing efficient (with sublinear time/space/regret) algorithms in the following domains:

Recently, some of the problems I've been working on include algorithms which estimate the spectrum of matrix with a small number of matrix vector multiplications and online algorithms for fair resource allocation. I'm also working on algorithms for fast tensor vector products with applications to fast and memory efficient computation of the attention layer of transformers using techniques from randomized linear algebra as a part of my internship at Adobe Research.

Some selected publications and preprints are given below.
